
Uganda: Police detain protesters as youth-led anti-corruption march defies ban - Video

In Kampala, Ugandan police detained several demonstrators as youth-led anti-corruption protests began despite being banned by authorities.

The 'March2Parliament' protest, initiated on July 23, saw defiant protesters rounded up by police forces and taken away in vans.

President Yoweri Museveni had previously cautioned against the protest in a televised address, warning participants they would be "playing with fire" if they proceeded. Nevertheless, the demonstrators went ahead with the march as planned.

"We are tired of corruption," shouted Samson Kiriya, a protester from behind the bars of a police van, as reported by AFP. Another protester, speaking from under a seat in a police vehicle, urged, "I am urging all the young people out there in Uganda to come out in large numbers."

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