
Rwandans say leadership change 'not an option' as Kagame wins fourth term: Video

Following the announcement of partial results of the July 15 elections by the National Electoral Commission (NEC), President of Rwanda Paul Kagame is set to extend his rule over the East African nation.

The outcome of Monday's poll was never in doubt. Partial results issued seven hours after polls closed showed that Kagame had won 99.15 per cent of the vote, even more than the 98.79 per cent he got in the last poll seven years ago. 

In an address from the headquarters of his ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), the 66-year-old Paul Kagame thanked Rwandans for giving him another five years in office. "The results that have been presented indicate a very high score, these are not just figures, even if it was 100 per cent, these are not just numbers.

"These figures show the trust, and that is what is most important. I am hopeful that together we can solve all problems," he added.

Here are some reactions from Rwandans to Kagame's landslide win:

Frederick Bayingana, pensioner 

"We have freedom, we govern ourselves, there is no divisionism, he removed all of that. There used to be division based on Hutu-Tutsi, but he abolished all of that. He abolished the IDs that showed your ethnicity, now we are all Rwandan. We have security, the older people have a monthly stipend, citizens are given cows, fertilisers for their crops, so we want the president to remain forever until the day he dies."

Thomas Dushimirimana, driver of a bicycle taxi 

"Personally, I feel this is a celebration because this is what I wanted. I wanted him to win, there is absolutely no problem with the votes he got. Changing leadership, that is not an option. Those saying that he should leave power, that’s impossible because if we analyse where were came from the last 30 years, today I sleep well because of him."

Delphine Akimana, street vendor

"He will continue and continue to rule us. Saying that he should leave power, that is not an option because if it happens, we won’t have peace."

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