Women rally in Mexico City for abortion rights: Video

Women shout slogans during the International Safe Abortion Day in Mexico City on September 28, 2024.
Source: AFP

Hundreds of women marched through Mexico City on International Safe Abortion Day, demanding legal, safe, and free access to abortion.

Activists called for the decriminalisation of abortion and greater autonomy over their bodies.

“This day is about pushing the right to choose,” said Lilian Reyes Gutierrez from Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir.

Brenda Gutierrez of Fondo Maria added, “Abortion should be treated as a medical procedure, not a crime.”

The protest saw brief clashes with police. Similar protests took place in Chile and Peru.

On August 30, 2023, Mexico’s National Supreme Court ordered the Aguascalientes state Congress to decriminalise voluntary abortion. Just a week later, on September 6, the Court eliminated all federal criminal penalties for abortion.

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