Their labour in demand, Germany's Syrians are in no rush to leave#Economic Indicators#Europe#Workforce
World food prices reach 19-month high in November, UN says#Commodities Markets#Corporate Activism#Economic Indicators
Putin urges government and central bank to coordinate action to curb high inflation#Asia#Pacific#Central Bank of Russia
Relief for Portugal's minority government as parliament passes 2025 budget#Debt#Fixed Income Markets#Economic Indicators
Senegal's president faces budget challenge after likely parliamentary win#Africa#Fundamental Rights#Civil Liberties
Brazil's incoming central bank chief stresses 'various paths' to achieve inflation target#Americas#Central Banks#Central Bank Events
Ukraine gets $1.35 billion from US for humanitarian, social programs, PM says#Americas#Central#Eastern Europe
Latin America poverty hits 33-year low but inequality prevails, UN report says#Economic Indicators#Economic Output Data#South America