Latin America, Caribbean economies expected to grow 2.4% in 2025, UN says#Economic Output Data#Government Finances#South America
Cyclone compounds French Mayotte's problems of poverty, overcrowding and dwindling resources#Africa#Overseas Development Aid#Pollution
Tax Russia to rebuild Ukraine and increase defence spending, Estonia says#East European Countries#Europe#Economic Output Data
Greece to scrap some bank fees for retail customers, parliament approves budget#Central Banks#Central Bank Events#Debt
US defense contributions 'unfair,' Europe needs to do more, incoming Lithuanian minister says#Baltic States#Central#Eastern Europe
Putin urges government and central bank to coordinate action to curb high inflation#Asia#Pacific#Central Bank of Russia
Relief for Portugal's minority government as parliament passes 2025 budget#Debt#Fixed Income Markets#Economic Indicators
Greece general strike brings thousands onto streets, halts shipping, transport#Labor Disputes#Europe#Economic Output Data
Modi's inflation-blowing farm pivot may not be enough to win key Indian state#Agricultural Markets#Asia#Pacific
Cross-border challenges widen wealth gap between Europe and US, IMF study finds#EU Institutions#Debt#Fixed Income Markets
Latin America poverty hits 33-year low but inequality prevails, UN report says#Economic Indicators#Economic Output Data#South America